If you have acquired a new computer and would like to relocate your licenses to your new workstation, follow the steps below depending on what location or device your licenses are activated to. 

NOTE: If you do not have access to your old computer or device, you will need to follow the steps outlined in the Lost or Damaged iLok Device  article. If you are looking to transfer your licenses to a new user or iLok account, view the steps outlined in the Transfer a Plugin License to a New User  article.

Moving Machine Activated Licenses

Deactivating Machine Licenses

  1. On your old computer, open iLok License Manager
  2. Select your old computer in the devices list on the left side of iLok License Manager.
  3. On the right, select all of your MixWave licenses, right click, and select Deactivate.

Reactivating Machine Licenses

  1. On your new computer, download and install iLok License Manager .
  2. Open iLok License Manager and login with your iLok Account.
  3. Click on the Available tab and locate your MixWave plugin licenses.
  4. Select them, right click, and click Activate, or drag and drop them to your new computer (or any desired location) listed on the left side of iLok License Manager.

Moving iLok Cloud Activated Licenses

Deactivating iLok Cloud Licenses

  1. On your old computer, open iLok License Manager
  2. Select [YOUR USERNAME]'s Cloud in the devices list on the left side of iLok License Manager.
  3. On the right, select all of your MixWave licenses, right click, and select Deactivate.
  4. Navigate to File > Close Your Cloud Session to end your cloud session.

Reactivating iLok Cloud Licenses

  1. On your new computer, download and install iLok License Manager .
  2. Open iLok License Manager and login with your iLok Account.
  3. Navigate to File > Start Your Cloud Session to start a cloud session.
  4. Click on the Available tab and locate your MixWave plugin licenses.
  5. Select them, right click, and click Activate, or drag and drop them to [YOUR USERNAME]'s Cloud (or any desired location) listed on the left side of iLok License Manager.

Moving iLok Dongle Activated Licenses

If your plugins are activated to an iLok USB Dongle, you simply need to connect the dongle to your new computer and install the latest version of iLok License Manager .